Various Temporary positions

IntraHealth International, Inc is a US based, global health nonprofit organization that has worked for 40 years in over 100 countries including South Sudan. Currently, IntraHealth is implementing some projects in South Sudan with funding from USAID in collaboration with Government of South Sudan Ministry of Health (MOH) and South Sudan AIDS Commission. Our mission is to improve the performance of health workers and strengthen the systems in which they work so that everyone everywhere has the health care they need to thrive. IntraHealth’s programs generate long term social and economic impact to keep communities around the world healthy, strong, and prosperous. And our dynamic staff are passionate about global health and committed to excellence.
IHI is currently implementing a one year USAID IBBS Research Project and is seeking qualified candidates to fill the temporary positions.
Approved Advert for Data Collectors Interviwers.pdf (557.5 KB)
Approved Adverts for Coupon Managers.pdf (600.2 KB)

Approved Advert for Temporary Nurse Counselors.pdf (607.5 KB)
Approved Advert for Receptionist.pdf (576.6 KB)
Approved Advert for Temporary Cleaner.pdf (576.6 KB)
Approved Advert for Temporary Labaratory Techenician.pdf (573.4 KB)