Coalition for Humanity- Multiple Vacancy Announcement

Coalition for Humanity (CH) is a National NGO registered in South Sudan with experience in implementing humanitarian and resilience projects. The organization focuses on Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Gender Based Violence (GBV), General Protection (GP), and Health and Nutrition. Coalition for Humanity has experience in integrating projects and forming a nexus across sectors to leverage on resources. We consider Protection/GBV, Housing, Land and Property rights (HLP) governance, peacebuilding, and conflict transformation as cross-cutting issues. We have successfully integrated these in WASH, FSL, Non-food items, Health and Nutrition. Coalition for Humanity has its headquarters in Juba but with a presence in the Upper Nile counties of Longenchuk, Maiwut, Ulang, and Nasir. CH operates in Jonglei with a presence in Ayod, Pibor, and Twic East counties and Unity State with field offices in Leer, Panyijiar, Pariang, Mayendit, Koch, Rubkona and Mayom counties.

Coalition for Humanity seeks to recruit for the following positions;

  1. WASH Engineer
    Advert for WASH Engineer.pdf (951.8 KB)

  2. GBV & Protection Officer
    Advert for GBV & Protection Officer- Pochalla.pdf (982.8 KB)

  3. Roving Legal Officer
    Advert for Roving Legal Officer.pdf (1.1 MB)

Suitable and Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their application letter and an updated CV/Resume via email to [email protected] or hand deliver hard copies to our Head office and field Offices. Please indicate the positions you are applying for in the Subject line for email applications and on envelopes for hard-copy applications.

The deadline for receiving applications is 14th June 2024.

Please circulate Widely