ITT_JUB_2024_0102 Malteser International

Plot No. 246, Block 3k 2nd Class Residential,
Tonging Behind Indian Embassy,
Central Equatoria State,
Juba South Sudan


Invitation to Tender (ITT) :

Rehabilitation of four (4) blocks of latrines at 3 primary schools: 1 block at Don Bosco Primary School, 1 block at Nyaing Primary School and 2 blocks at Illiangari Primary School

Annex 1_Malteser International_RFQ_JUB_2024_0102.pdf (303.1 KB)
Annex 2_BOQ_Rehabilitaion of 4 blocks of latrines.xlsx (35.2 KB)
Annex 3_Drawings.pdf (394.0 KB)
Annex 4_Questionnaire for tender.docx (103.4 KB)
Annex 5_Mandatory principles of humanitarian aid procurement.pdf (146.4 KB)
Annex 6_ MI Whistleblowing Guidelines (900.2 KB)

We look forward to receiving your quotations including all annexes by or before the submission deadline on 28th June 2024 at or before 12:00 pm via E-mail to [email protected]

Please write in the subject line of your email: RFQ_JUB_2024_0102 Rehabilitation of latrines.

Sincerely yours,

Country Office Juba
Felix Ladner – Country Logistics Coordinator South Sudan
Plot No. 246 Block 3k South 2nd Class - Behind Indian Embassy, Tong Ping
Central Equitorial State, Juba, South Sudan
[email protected]
T: 0921 872 126 (MTN)