Request for Proposal and TOR for Need Assessment

SOS Children’s Villages South Sudan is a non-profit, non-political and non-denominational organization that works to address the needs of children, with particular emphasis on children who have lost parental care and those who are at significant risk of losing the care of their parents. SOS Children’s Villages Programme, work towards its vision of a world where, “every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security”. For the past more than 21 years, we have been working to build families for children in need, help them shape their own future and share in the development of their communities.

SOS Children’s Village, South Sudan (SOS CV SSD) is launching a TOR and requesting for proposals from interested candidates/firms for Conduct of Needs Assessment on the situation of Children in South Sudan (Juba and Malakal). With reference to per the Terms of Reference (TOR).

Interested applicants should submit the completed bid document to the address indicated below. The submission will be open on November 7 2023 and to be closed by 5:00pm November. 11th 2023

SOS Children’s Villages, South Sudan

Hamza Inn Compound, Juba Town

Opposite NOTOS Restaurant and Bar

Mobile: 0912325662 or 0928774872

Email: [email protected]

Juba, South Sudan
TOR for Conduct of Needs Assesement on Child Child Situations in South Sudan.doc (151 KB)