Multiple Job Opportunities - Christian Mission for Development

Christian Mission for Development (CMD) is a leading non-profit, non-governmental, multi-sectorial relief and development organisation working to provide holistic services to poor and poverty-striken communities in East Africa. registered non-profit, humanitarian relief and development organisation based in Juba, South Sudan. Founded in 2005, CMD has remained one of the major national NGOs in South Sudan saving lives, alleviating suffering, and helps affected communities rebuild their lives. CMD works with partners to reach the hard-to-reach areas with very little or no basic services and significantly in regions affected by wars, poverty, extreme hunger, and illiteracy. Our thematic areas are Education, WASH, Health, Nutrition, Food Security and livelihood, Protection and Peace-building. More on

Our Vision
“CMD envisions empowered, holistically transformed and peaceful communities growing in unity and diversity towards self-reliance”

Our Mission
“CMD exists to inspire, empower and transform communities to move towards self-reliance through the provision of holistic social services and development assistance”

About these vacancies:

CMD is currently searching for experienced individuals to apply for these openings;
BHI Officers.pdf (2.0 MB)
Meal Officer.pdf (2.4 MB)
Medical Logistician.pdf (2.1 MB)
State Coordinator.pdf (1.3 MB)

If you are talented in any of these fields, are reliable and a highly motivated professional, looking for a rewarding career, please submit your application and CV to [email protected] and copy [email protected] with additional details on the downloadable attachments above. Deadline for applications is 10 July 2024. - at 5.00 PM CAT.