Provision of WASH minimum Kits and MHM kits in
South Sudan
Reference no: PAH/South Sudan/2024/03 PRF No. PAH_12_2024_715_SS

What PAH is about: Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to employing individuals who aspire to make the world a better place. For over 31 years, we have been providing relief in both major and minor emergencies worldwide, while also conducting missions in several crisis-affected countries. Our interventions, encompassing both humanitarian and development efforts, have been implemented in 52 countries to date. We focus on ensuring the sustainable and stable development of regions affected by war and/or natural disasters. We possess extensive expertise in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and implement projects in Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), as well as Shelter, Nutrition, and Education.
PAH in South Sudan: Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) has been operating in South Sudan since 2006, ( (NIP: 525-14-41-253, KRS: 0000136833 ), as one of the first NGOs established in Jonglei State. We are a small team of dedicated individuals committed to delivering tangible and sustainable change in the largest, most populous, and most conflict-affected state of South Sudan. Due to the expertise, we have accumulated over the years especially in WASH and S/NFI, PAH led the coordination of the Jonglei Sub-national WASH and S-NFI cluster from 2014 to 2021 and 2019 to date respectively coordinating WASH emergency responses with partners to ensure that all vulnerable communities are served during crises. Our priority is to ensure that people have access to clean water and safe hygienic conditions. PAH also provides assistance to internally displaced people and most vulnerable communities, working in the sectors of WASH, Shelter NFI, Food Security and Livelihood, Protection and Education.
A prospective service providers/supplier requiring any clarification of the offer shall contact PAH in writing at the office email address

PAH intended timetable for this procedure is as follows:

  1. Invitation Publish Date: 18th December,2024
  2. Deadline for questions from vendors 04th January,2025
  3. Deadline/Submission Date (15:30 hours) Juba Local Time 09th January,2025
  4. Opening/Review Date (Estimated) 10th January,2025
    Terms and Conditions:
    • Offers/Quotations/Proposals are to be submitted in a sealed envelope to (PAH Juba Office). The envelope should not have any details relating to the process being submitted on the outside, OR it can be emailed to: with subject line as suggested in the package (Schedule 5)
    • Interested and eligible suppliers can obtain a complete set of tender documents from:
    o Via email during working days from 18/12/2024 to 06/01/2025. From this email address Or
    o download from NGO Forum website:
    Latest Tenders & Other Advertisments topics - South Sudan NGO Forum - Communication Portal
    Advert 715.pdf (675.8 KB)
    Contract Notice 715.pdf (2.0 MB)
    Schedule 7 bid submission form.docx (72.5 KB)
    Schedule 25 - Work of Similar Nature and Value.docx (48.2 KB)
    Schedule 8 tenderers statement.docx (63.9 KB)
    Schedule 28 financial Situation.docx (49.6 KB)