HealthNet TPO-Vacancy Announcement

HealthNet TPO, a Dutch organization is a knowledge-driven, non-profit organization that works in areas disrupted by war, disasters and poverty. Together with involvement of local populations, it works on rehabilitation and sustainable health care development. HealthNet TPO has been present in South Sudan since 1996 with aim of contributing to improving the overall health situation, supporting the development of systems and community mobilization as a conditional necessity in populations recovering from long-time warfare. In doing so HealthNet TPO aims to include and build the capacity of Sudanese organizations, communities and authorities and develop evidence-based interventions for sustainable development of populations in distress. Currently HealthNet works in Western Bahr el Ghazal (WBEG) State, Northern Bahr el Ghazal (NBEG), With satellite offices in these States and with its Country Office in Juba.

HealthNet TPO, together with the partners in the Leaders of Peace (LoP) Alliance in South Sudan, is anticipating funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Women, Peace and Security grant portfolio to implement a project in Women Peace and Security (WPS) in South Sudan and therefore is seeking for a qualified, dynamic candidate for Communications Officer position to support the communications and advocacy aspect of the project. He/she will act as communications focal point for HealthNet TPO at the National and State level, and county level, ensure smooth implementation of all related project activities. This is position based in Juba and will be expected to travel 50% of the time to field locations where the project is implemented.
ADVERT-AUG-2022 LOP.pdf (1.0 MB)