Expression of Interest in Providing Consultancy Services

RFP-SS-JUB-2019-008 Consultancy Service for Agroecology in DRC- South Sudan.docx (395.6 KB)
DRC DDG South Sudan Annex A ToR consultant_agroecologist_final draft.docx (62.7 KB)
Annex C DRC GCC for Procurement of Services.pdf (621.4 KB)
Annex D, Supplier code of conduct.pdf (290.3 KB)
Annex E, supplier_profile_and_registration_form.doc (110.5 KB)
Annex F Financial data.docx (44.1 KB)
seeks technical service as described below:
Consultancy services for Agroecology assessment and permaculture design courses and Training for natural resource management and landscape restauration.