DT Global Year 4, Request for concept Notes

The USAID Shejeh Salam Activity is requesting South Sudanese NGOs and CSOs to submit concept notes in response to the following three requests for concept notes:

  • RfCN DT008 – Seeking applications for grants for Civic Engagement activities taking place in Juba and at the national level, and with linkages to local level civil society encouraged.
  • RfCN DT009 – Seeking applications for grants for Civic Engagement activities taking place in Juba and at the national level, and with linkages to local level civil society encouraged; but with an emphasis on female civic engagement specifically.
  • RfCN DT010 – Seeking applications for grants for engagement with Traditional Authorities in Duk, Uror, Akobo counties of Jonglei State, and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

Any questions are to be sent to [email protected] by close of business on September 15th, 2023. Submissions are due by close of business September 27th, 2023.

1.RfCN_DT008_NAT_Civil Society.pdf (169.8 KB)
1.RfCN_DT010_JON_Traditional Authority.pdf (172.2 KB)
2.RfCN_DT009_NAT _ Women Organization.pdf (170.3 KB)
3. Attachment 2_Concept Note Template.docx (118.7 KB)