DT Global South Sudan/GASWASH_Request for expressions of Interest

DT Global South Sudan/GASWASH is inviting interested, eligible and competent Consultancy Firms; Civil society organization and Service providers via this Expression of Interest (EOI) to respond on their willingness to be shortlisted to conduct a baseline assessment in any of the following counties in South Sudan:

  1. Western Bar El Ghazal State Wau and Jur River Counties
  2. Eastern Equatoria State Kapoeta North and Budi Counties
  3. Jonglei State Akobo and Duk County
  4. Upper Nile State Baliet and Ulang Counties*
  5. Unity State Mayendit, Leer and Panyijar counties*
    6 Greater Pibor Administrative Area Pibor county

Submission Guidelines:
DT Global GASWASH EOI_baseline study .docx (55.4 KB)

EOI should be in English Language and not exceed ten (10) pages (excluding cover page, executive summary and annexes). Any EOI with more than 10 pages will NOT BE considered responsive at all and will be rejected.

Expressions of interest should be submitted via email to [email protected] Applicants should indicate the reference number USAID GASWASH 2022 BASELINE STUDY EOI COUNTIES X in the subject line.

For any further questions, you may contact the number below or the above e-mail.

Disclaimer: Issuance of this call does not constitute an award commitment on the part of GASWASH nor commit the project to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an EOI. Further, GASWASH reserves the right to reject any or all EOI received. Similarly, an invitation for further negotiation or to submit a full application is not a commitment to fund that application.