Development Sector Consultancy & Training Courses

We are a regional development sector consultancy and training firm that supports strategic planning, organisational development, programme governance and management, M&E, knowledge management etc. for NGOs, bilateral and multilateral agencies, national governments, UN agencies, private sector and community-based organisations.

We also offer tailor-made high quality participatory in-house and open training courses on among others:

  1. Leadership & Governance for International Development
  2. Theory of Change & Strategic Planning
  3. Results-based Project Life-Cycle Management
  4. Partnership Engagement & Management
  5. Resource Mobilization & Donor Engagement
  6. Monitoring & Evaluation for Results
  7. COSO-based External & Internal Auditing for NGOs .

We deliver open scheduled courses in South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo.

To book contact Patrick Kibe on email - [email protected] or call +254 708 836 910.

Also, visit and review our attached corporate profile.

Inscap Associates Corporate Profile Blue.pdf (2.6 MB)