Consultancy-LRPF Partners Capacity Needs Enhancement Assessment and Training

LRPF Partners Capacity Needs Enhancement assesment and Training.pdf (1.5 MB)
NSDO is the Hosting Agency of the LRPF, as a legally registered entity. It supports the functions of LRPF as a custodian of LRPF in terms of Office space, Human resource management, Liabilities, recruitment and others on behalf of LRPF, and in consultations with the steering committee.
The Local Response Pooled Fund South Sudan (LRPF-SS) is a local pooled fund created by National Non-Governmental Organizations (NNGOs) and Civil Society Organizations in South Sudan with support from Save the Children International as the custodian of the funds, Care International, CAFOD & Trocaire, Tearfund, Christian Aid and the South Sudan NGO Forum As locally driven mechanism For faster, wider and effective delivery of humanitarian services to the conflict and disaster affected South Sudanese Communities with the vision to deliver more relevant, effective and mutually accountable humanitarian assistance, by optimizing the strengths and the capabilities of national organizations, in collaboration with international organizations. The Local Response pooled Fund (LRPF) South Sudan’s Goal is to enhance access to funding, and decision making for local humanitarian actors to provide humanitarian and development services in South Sudan