Coalition For Humanity -Request for Quotations for Various lots

Coalition for Humanity seeks Quotations from credible suppliers for the following items;
Request for Quotations for Various Lots.pdf (1.1 MB)
Lot-1.Tailoring and Dress Making Items
Lot-2. Sport items
Lot-3.Ktchen Items
Lot-4 Fire Items
Additional Clarification
Price offer Currency -USD and Mode of payment
The per-qualified/eligible suppliers acknowledge RFQ by (sign/stamped/date) on the second copy from the supplier.
Delivery time frame; clearly indicate the number of days required for delivery to Juba or project site:
Validity of the offer should be minimum of 60 Days
Payment shall be within 30 working days after receipt of goods and invoice, by cheque or transfer.
subject to VAT; therefore, all offers should be exclusive of VAT costs.

*Clarifications about this RFQS

Any request for clarification must be made in writing through the following emails:
[email protected]
Vendors can request for clarifications about this RFQ through the email address above until 28th April,2023.
The deadline for submission of the offers is 30th, April 2023, at 3:00 pm Local Time. Late submission will not be accepted.


This is only a Call for quotations/Bid and Coalition for humanity reserves the right to either amend or cancel it at any time with or without notice. In such cases, CH shall accept no liability whatsoever. The prospective bidder is wholly responsible for any and all costs related to the preparation and submission of their quotations. The decision of the Coalition for humanity Procurement Review Committee shall be final.


Submit quotation in sealed enveloped clearly indicating the lot number to

Coalition for Humanity tender committee
Gudele 1 area,-Block 4, Juba, South Sudan.
E-mail submission can be made through e-mail: [email protected]** Clearly mention the lot number and short description as per this RFQ.
Please submit all your Quotation through Email at; [email protected]
