Catholic Relief Services' Job Annoucement_WASH Community Mobilizers (3 Posts Bor, Duk & Pibor)

Catholic Relief Services is a global non-governmental humanitarian and development organization with a special focus serving the needs of disadvantaged populations to ensure that the dignity of the human person is maintained regardless of race, religion, gender or colour.
Position Overview.
CRS South Sudan is implementing three year livelihoods program with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) component funded by USAID in Jonglei State (Bor and Duk counties) Boma State** (Pibor County)** The programs consist of borehole rehabilitation, training of hand pump mechanics, strengthening of Water User Committees, CLTS, and community based hygiene and sanitation promotion,

Required Skills; Ability to speak local languages, extensive experience living & working in Bor, Duk & Pibor
WASH Community MObilizer_3 Posts.docx (2.8 MB)