Call for expression of interest for tender Consultancy for “Financial and Procurement Trainings for Partners” Tender No. 83465754

Call for expression of interest for tender Consultancy for “Financial and Procurement Trainings for Partners” Tender No. 83465754

The objective of the call

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work. The main commissioning party of the GIZ is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The GIZ has a long history of supporting the development of South Sudan.

The open tender is run by the GIZ Coordination Office calling upon eligible and locally registered consultancy companies to submit their expression of interest for the Consultancy Services for the financial and procurement trainings of partners.

The aim of this consultancy is to build capacities of local NGOs in the area of procurement and financial management of selected NGOs for all three funding circles. Therefore, the contractor reviews the content of existing procurement and financial manuals/guidelines of the respective NGOs to identify and close thematic gaps in those, the contractor develops jointly with partner NGO templates for documentation and a complete procurement and accounting files (from request to accounting) and also carries out an inaugural workshop and train-the-trainer training.

The contractor must ensure that the language used is easily understandable and practice oriented considering the limitations for project implementation in the field locations. Minimum requirements of GIZ in procurements regarding thresholds for different types of procurement processes and good bookkeeping are observed. The respective manuals shall be used to provide participants with background knowledge and practical skills in the thematic areas. The beneficiaries of the training are Staff of NGOs from selected partner counties (as well as selected, other stakeholders).

How to apply under this call?

The detailed tender documents should be requested from the email below: [email protected]

Please indicate “Expression of interest for Consultancy for Financial and Procurement trainings of partners Tender No. 83465754” in the subject of your email.

GIZ shall then send you the complete set of tender documents after the deadline for submission of the expression of interest .

Deadline for submission of expression of interest

Monday 27th.May. 2024, at 3:00 PM Juba local time.
Expression Of Interest For Consultancy For Financial and Procurement Training For Partners Tender No 83465754.docx (44.8 KB)