CAFOD _ Re-advertised RFQ for Supply and Delivery of Fodder Preservation and Processing Equipment i.e. 12 Hay Balers, 6 Chaff Cutters for Silage making and 360 Kgs of Napier grass cuttings

CAFOD is looking for competent and reputable Suppliers for Supply and Delivery of Fodder Preservation and Processing Equipment i.e. 12 Hay Balers (Hay Balers of Hay Bale capacity of 30 - 40 Kgs per bundle), 6 Chaff Cutters for Silage making and 360 Kgs of Napier grass cuttings i.e preferably made using wooden materials or metallic fabrication, and the successful firms or individual consultant who meet prerequisite requirements will immediately be engaged to Supply and Delivery of Twelves (12) Units Fodder Preservation and Processing Equipment Hay & Silage (Hay Balers of hay bale capacity of 30 - 40 Kgs per bundle) i.e preferably made using wooden materials or metallic fabrication .

CAFOD_ RFQ for Supply and Delivery of Fodder Processing Equipment for Panyikang and Fashoda.pdf (210.9 KB)
CAFOD _ Technical Specifications for Fodder Preservation and Processing EQUIPMENT.pptx (6.1 MB)
Appendix A_ CAFOD Terms and Conditions for Supply and Service.pdf (127.0 KB)
Appendix B _ CAFOD Code of Conduct for Suppliers.pdf (140.1 KB)
Appendix C _ CAFOD Safeguarding policy_2022 S.pdf (250.5 KB)
Appendix D_ CAFOD Anti-bribery Policy 2021v1.6.pdf (407.6 KB)

Please circulate the advert widely.

With best regards,

CAFOD HR Service Team