ZOA-Dorcas SSD - RFQ to supply truck (RFQ-WAU-012-22)


ZOA-Dorcas South Sudan is an international NGO that was established in March 2022 as a result of the merger between ZOA and Dorcas in South Sudan. Both organizations were individually present in South Sudan for years (ZOA since 1998 and Dorcas since 2008) and the partnership is expected to further increase impact.

ZOA-Dorcas South Sudan is implementing humanitarian, recovery and development programs, applying the (triple) nexus approach that aims to enhancing resilience and adaptation to ever changing circumstances, including climate change. It is building upon its extensive experience and expertise in especially TVET & entrepreneurship, FSL and WASH, Nutrition and Peacebuilding & Reconciliation.

ZOA Dorcas South Sudan is active in Western Bahr El Ghazal, Warrap and Jonglei State as well as Greater Pibor Administrative Area. The main office of the organisation is in Juba, with program offices in Akon North (Warrap), Bor (Jonglei), Pibor (GPAA) and Wau (WBeG).

ZOA-Dorcas South Sudan therefore invites your company to quote for the supply of an Isuzu truck as per the RFQ dossier and vehicle specs attached. Please read the RFQ dossier carefully to aid your bidding process.

Looking forward to receiving your bids on time.

Kind regards,

ZOA-Dorcas Procurement team.
RFQ + Specs - Small Truck.pdf (1023.9 KB)