ZOA Dorcas South Sudan is an International Non-Governmental Organisation that is implementing FSL / Food Resilience, Peace & Reconciliation, WASH, vocational training and entrepreneurship projects in Jonglei State, Greater Pibor Administrative Area, Western Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap State. ZOA Dorcas South Sudan is a hybrid self-implementing organization, also working closely together with national implementing partners
ZOA Dorcas is looking for competent and reputable consultancy firm or professional individual consultants for provision of consultancy services to conduct Project Endline Evaluation of FCDO CSSF -Promotion Gender Transformation in Justice, law and order institutions in Jonglei State -South Sudan for the period 2023 to 2025
Request for Proposal of Project Endline Evaluation for the FCDO FY 2023-2025…pdf (798.5 KB)
ANNEX 2 - ZOA-Dorcas Code of Conduct.pdf (109.8 KB)
FCDO CSSF-Endline evaluation TOR…pdf (3.8 MB)
Please be Guided by The TOR attached