ZOA Dorcas with funding from PHARUS is looking to engage the service of an experience company with expertise in Dyke Construction in Akon North Payam , Gogrial ,Warrap State South Sudan .In the course of preparing your proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it reaches the address indicated in the advert before the deadline .
Kindly indicate on your subject email: RFP/ZOADORCAS/2025/01/SSD2501-Project
Due to the nature of this tender only digital submission is required.
ZOA Dorcas South Sudan is an International Non-Governmental Organis
Dyke Call to Tender.zip (5.6 MB)
ation that is implementing FSL / Food Resilience, Peace & Reconciliation, WASH, vocational training and entrepreneurship projects in Jonglei, Greater Pibor Administrative Area, Western Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap State. ZOA Dorcas South Sudan is a hybrid self-implementing organization, also working closely together with national implementing partners.
Good Luck