Windle Trust International -Request for Audit Service

Background: Windle Trust International (WTI) is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered
under the Charity Commission of United Kingdom, registration no. 1092834. The Organization’s
vision is to see “a world where everyone has the opportunity, through education and training, to
make the most of their potential and contribute to the public good and our mission is and
inequality by expanding access to and improving the quality of education and training, for
communities affected by conflict, displacement, neglect or discrimination”.
WTI believes that everyone is entitled to a high-quality education that will not only extend
knowledge and understanding but also inspire independent thought, critical analysis, a sense of
responsibility and a commitment to the common good. High quality education in turn depends
on high quality teaching and effective relationships with other stakeholders to attain the best
practicable educational outcomes. Other stakeholders include teachers and head teachers as
well as neighbouring communities, teacher training organisations, Ministry of General Education
$ Instruction and State Ministry of Education
Request for Project Audit Service_Reviewed_Updated.pdf (58.5 KB)