Windle Trust International -Headteacher Ibba Girls Boarding School


Ibba Girls Boarding School (IGBS) is located on a 100-acre forest site in Ibba village, situated between Yambio and Maridi in Western Equatoria State (WES). IGBS opened in 2014 and provides high-quality education for 360 girls in both primary and secondary school education (P4 through to S8), in a residential setting so that girls can study without domestic pressures, and because the catchment area is across the whole of Western Equatoria State. The Head Teacher is responsible both for the education and the protection and well-being of all the girl students in this residential setting.

Ibba Girls Boarding School is a community school founded by members of Ibba community in collaboration and with financial and technical support and advice from, Friends of Ibba Girls’ School (FIGS). FIGS is registered as a charity in the UK for this specific purpose. Although the school is located in Ibba County, the catchment area covers all the 10 counties of WES from where the school thus recruits its learners. IGBS aims to provide quality teaching and learning in a safe environment for all girls regardless of their social status or background. The school comprises sections of both Primary (from Primary 4 to Primary 8) and Secondary (from S1 to S4), with up to 360 enrolments (currently 320). There are 40 teaching and support staff (including live-in dormitory matrons, school nurse, cooks, cleaners, guards and ground staff).

A broad-based body of IGBS Trustees, Board of Governors and PTA guides the school. In 2023, Windle Trust International (WTI) was commissioned by FIGS and IGBS Trustees and by the Ministry of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI) to manage Ibba Girls’ Boarding School and provide the capacity building and training of the South Sudanese Trustees, governors, PTA, leadership and staff of IGBS.

FIGS and IGBS have now agreed a new strategic action plan to consolidate and strengthen the South Sudanese governance and leadership of the school, and to provide a more sustainable flow of income and of staffing to sustain the school for the next 10 years. As part of this strategy FIGS and IGBS Trustees signed a Tripartite MOU with the Ministry of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI), and Windle Trust International (WTI) in which WTI they contracted WTI, funded by FIGS, to act as their agents and partners to manage IGBS in South Sudan.

Windle Trust International (WTI) is an international NGO that challenges poverty and inequality by expanding access to, and improving, the quality of education and training, for communities affected by conflict, displacement, neglect, or discrimination. WTI has over 40 years’ experience investing in the education, professional and leadership development of conflict-affected communities in the Eastern and Horn of Africa. WTI’s vision is “A world where everyone has the opportunity, through education and training, to make the most of their potential and contribute to the public good”. WTI has been operational in South Sudan since 2006.

IGBS and FIGS Trustees in partnership with WTI are now recruiting a qualified and experienced teacher to fill the position of Head Teacher and to be responsible for the leadership and day-to-day management and administration of Ibba Girls Boarding School. As a residential school you will lead not only the teaching and learning aspects of the school but be responsible for the well-being and pastoral care of students whilst in the care of the school throughout each term.

Job purpose: As a Head Teacher, you will provide overall leadership, management and administration of this boarding school including academic and pastoral leadership and management of the learners, teachers and other staff. This should be undertaken in a way which models and inspires high standards of teaching and a love of learning. You will be responsible for the co-curriculum for informal learning out of academic hours, and the wellbeing and safety of girls in their dormitories and daily life, creating a sense of safety and security and a culture of caring for each other, and a spirit of teamwork across the school.
You will build a dedicated senior leadership team, with delegation of appropriate matters, to oversee this wide set of duties. You will be responsible for financial management of the school budget, supported by WTI team, processes and accountability systems. You will work in collaboration with and under the guidance of the governing bodies of the school - Trustees, Board of Governors, Parents-Teachers Association, School Management Committee and the wider community, and, in line with relevant professional practices, procedures and policies as specified by MoGEI, IGBS, FIGS and WTI, and as summarised in the school’s statements of policy and practice.
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