WEB Mapping using ArcGIS and QGIS Training 5- 10th December 2016, Nairobi Kenya


Web has changed every aspect of our life from our daily activities to our professional activities. Among
these changes, GIS has been affected by the evolving web technology leading to Web or Internet GIS.

Today, majority of Internet users are using the web technology whether from desktop or mobile devices

e.g. to finding hotels and addresses in an unfamiliar city using online web maps, to locate your location

using your phone GPS system or finding your path.


The goal of this training course is to introduce users to the concept of web mapping. Web mapping is

the process of using maps delivered by geographical information systems (GIS) on the internet through

client- server architecture. Web mapping usually involves a web browser to consume services. These

services include serving interactive maps, GIS data and location based services.

This training will focus on a Web Mapping Technology, its architecture, application and tools. The

participants will learn how prepare and share geographic information so that it can effectively be used

by colleagues, decision-makers, and non-GIS audiences.

Target group

The expected participants are GIS professionals, cartographers or other technical personnel who have

background in computer applications and internet.

Course outline

This course will cover the following topics

 Day 1: Web GIS Basics: basics of Web GIS architecture, web services and mash-ups, an

introduction/review of ArcGIS Online.

 Day 2: Basics of Web programing and development: HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

 Day 3: Spatial Databases: Postgres-Postgis spatial database

 Day 4: Publishing map services on Geoserver

 Day 5: Consuming map services and sharing data: Introduction to open source and proprietary

web mapping API's and scripting environments.

Software/Applications to be used

 Text editor eg Notepad++

 Qgis v 2.8+

 Postgres

 Tomcat

 Geoserver

 ArcGIS (Desktop& Server if applicable)


The training will be delivered through presentations, live demos and practical sessions.

For details contact:
Steve Njenga
The e-Enhancement Centre Ltd
Skype: stevie.njenga