Web-based GIS and Mapping Course. (04th – 15th September 2017) Nairobi, Kenya

Web-based GIS and Mapping Course

Web mapping focuses on disseminating and processing geographic information by means of Internet and World Wide Web. Combination of the web and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) has unlocked the potential of GIS, and put online maps and geospatial intelligence in the offices/homes of millions and the hands of billions. The increasing flexibility and interoperability of web mapping technologies has opened new opportunities for Web Based Mappers.
Both non-GIS users and GIS experts can do more now, than ever to share maps over the internet. Web maps can easily deliver up to date information,maps are generated automatically from databases, and they can display information in almost real-time. They don’t need to be printed, mastered and distributed. Web GIS has immense applicability to e-government, e-business, e-science, and all aspects of daily life. Government employees can utilize Web GIS to improve public services delivery and boost collaboration across agencies.Regardless of the sector, businesses can use Web GIS to enhance their existing business models and create new ones. Researchers can find new solutions to meet the challenges of the new frontiers. Web GIS has great practical value to our world today and into the future.

Non GIS Users, GIS experts, Cartographers, Geographers, Geoscientist, surveyors, Planners, Database administrator, system administrator, IT expert, software engineers, M&E expert.

No prior knowledge of GIS is required.

10 days

• To understand the importance of web services and to give you some experience making web maps with FOSS and open standards
• Acquire skills how to make different types of web map
• Understanding spatial databases
• Learn how to publish maps online using open source software (Carto DB, fusion Tables, Geoserver).
• Able to Read Data from various Data source
• Processing spatial data with FOSS
• Drawing and querying maps on the server using Web Map Service
• Putting layers together with a web mapping API
• Learn how to Explore open data, VGI, and crowdsourcing

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View GIS and Earth Observation Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.

Email outreach@indepthresearch.org