Course Overview
Drinking, eating, washing, excreting – these are things we do every day of our lives. But the way we do them can have a major impact on our health. Good hygiene practices are an essential part of daily life and we all need to understand what hygiene means, why it’s important for our health and wellbeing, and how we can change our behaviour to safeguard our health. Promoting good hygiene in your community and educating people in ways to protect themselves and their families from ill health is one of the most important aspects of WASH Practitioners.
WASH technicians and other employees of service providers and local bureaus need to have a good understanding of social, cultural, financial and institutional issues at the local level. They also have responsibility to ensure that the service users are aware of their rights and responsibilities, such as how users may influence decision makers, and ensure the service providers are accountable to their customers.
This Diploma course will also consider the challenges for WASH provision in areas of high-density population where lack of space is a problem. It sets out the options for water supply in an urban situation and considers opportunities for improvement and innovation in service delivery and management.
Course Objectives
The participants of this diploma in WASH will be able to:-
Describe the significance of environmental health at community level
List the environmental risk factors involved in the transmission of communicable diseases
Explain the basic components and purpose of environmental health planning.
Describe the main categories of environmental health hazards.
Explain the basic principles of pollution management.
Describe the criteria that are used for evaluating the effectiveness of personal hygiene application
Describe the technologies available to provide safe drinking water in urban settings and the main challenges associated with them.
Describe how water emergencies can be managed, including the treatment, storage and handling of drinking water in the home.
Module 1
a) Introduction to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
b) Water and Sustainable Development
c) Introduction to the Principles and Concepts of Hygiene and Environmental Health
d) Environmental Health Hazards
e) Personal Hygiene
f) Healthful Housing
g) Institutional Hygiene and Sanitation
h) Important Vectors in Public Health
i) Introduction to the Principles of Food Hygiene and Safety
j) Food Contamination and Spoilage
k) Foodborne Diseases and the Investigation of Disease Outbreaks
l) Food Protection and Preservation Methods
m) Hygienic Requirements of Foods and Drink Service Establishments
n) Hygienic and Safety Requirements for Food of Animal Origin
Module 2
a) Introduction to Water Supply
b) Water and Public Health
c) Water Sources and their Characteristics
d) Water Pollution
e) Water Treatment Technologies for Large-scale Water Supply
f) Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment and Supply Systems
g) Distribution, Leakage and Illegal Connections
h) Water Safety Plans
i) Duties and Responsibilities of Water Utilities
j) Household Water Collection, Treatment, Storage and Handling
k) Efficient Use of Water
l) Monitoring Water Quality
m) Financing Urban Water Services
n) Water Emergencies and Emergency Water Supply
Module 3
a) Characteristics of Urban Communities
b) Environmental Pollution and Health
c) Existing WASH Service Provision
d) Stakeholders in Urban WASH
e) Social Accountability and Social Responsibility
f) Community Engagement
g) Role of Frontline WASH workers
h) Assessing Behaviour
i) Influencing Behaviour
j) Promoting Improved Hygiene and Sanitation
k) Mobilisation of Urban Communities
l) Advocacy and Networks
m) Sustainability of WASH Services
n) Emergency WASH Behaviour Communication
o) Monitoring and Evaluation
Module 4
a) Introduction to Sanitation and Waste Management
b) The Effects of Poor Sanitation and Waste Management
c) Rapid Assessment of Urban Sanitation and Waste Management
d) Liquid Wastes: Sources, Types and Characteristics
e) Latrine Technology Options for Urban Areas
f) Liquid Waste Management and Treatment
g) Solid Waste: Sources, Composition and On-site Storage
h) Solid Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling
i) Storage, Collection, Transfer and Transport of Solid Waste
j) Disposal of Solid Wastes
k) Integrated Solid Waste Management
l) Institutional Sanitation and Waste Management
m) Commercial Opportunities in Urban Sanitation and Waste Management
n) Emergency Sanitation and Waste Management
This course is suitable for people working in civil society of Non-governmental organizations, government institutions, water industries, those working os supporting work in low and middle income areas/countries, and any other individual who wants an understanding of approaches to WASH situations especially in the developing world.
WASH Diploma Course Duration is 8 Months.
Course Fees is 750USD.
Registration Deadline: 7th August 2017
To apply download attahed application form: Online Apllication Form.doc (160.5 KB)
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