WASH-Invitation for the construction of Institutional latrines (4) in Palal and Makuach Payams -Tonj East)

CEF is hereby inviting qualified vendors with the high profile to construct institutional latrines in Tonj East - Palal and Makuac Payams. Four Latrines are needed for constructions.
Applications documents will be handed over to CEF Tonj Field office in Tonj South behind Firebridgade.
Contact the following people for the directions
0917771644/0925977770 or email to [email protected].
BoQ for Institutional latrine Construction in Tony East - Palal and Makuach CEF 2022.xlsx (21.8 KB)
Request for Quotation- RFQ for the construction of Institutional latrines in Tony East --2022.docx (39.8 KB)