Vacancy for Consultancy Work at the Ministry of Mining, Republic of South Sudan

The government of the Republic of South Sudan has received a financing from the African Development Bank towards the cost of Institutional Support Project for Strengthening Economic Governance (ISP-SEG) in South Sudan, and intends to apply part of the agreed amount of this grant to payments under the contract for hiring a consulting firm to support the development of Energy Transition Strategy for Extractive Sector for the Ministry of Mining, Republic of South Sudan. This is in line with emerging issues of climate change, low carbon future and sustainable development.

Please find attached the Request for Expression of Interest advertised on the East African Newspaper and the Terms of Reference for the consultancy:
ISP-SEG advert for Consulting Firm to Support the development of Energy Transition Strategy for Extractive sector for Ministry of Mining.pdf (739.6 KB)
TORs_For_ Energy_Transition_In_the_Extractive_Industry_Final.pdf (211.3 KB)