ACTED (Agency for Technical
Cooperation and Development) is an international NGO founded in 1993 and headquartered
in Paris. ACTED implements projects in more than 30 countries around the world,
in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. ACTED has over 15
years of expertise and experience in addressing the needs of conflict and
disaster affected populations, in emergency and development settings. ACTED’s
operations in South Sudan are centered on an integrated community development
strategy aimed at supporting vulnerable communities.
Since December 2012, ACTED has been providing refugee and IDP assistance in Upper Nile state. In Maban County, this assistance has focused on the life-saving assistance to refugees from Blue Nile
State, Sudan, seeking asylum in Doro, Gendrassa and Kaya Camps. ACTED has
strived to provide the basic needs for the population including shelter, waste
management, livelihoods, construction of community infrastructures, WASH, Food
and NFI distribution, response to and prevention of Sexual and Gender Based
Violence (SGBV) and Camp Management. ACTED is sourcing for a competent candidate to fill position of Social Worker in Maban County-Upper Nile StateVacancy Announcement-Social Worker-Maban.docx (1.2 MB)
ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is an international NGO founded in 1993 and headquarteredin Paris. ACTED implements projects in more than 30 countries around the world,
in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. ACTED has over 15 years of expertise and experience in addressing the needs of conflict and disaster affected populations, in emergency and development settings. ACTED’s operations in South Sudan are centered on an integrated community development strategy aimed at supporting vulnerable communities.
Since December 2012, ACTED has been providing refugee and IDP assistance in Upper Nile state. In Maban County, this assistance has focused on the life-saving assistance to refugees from Blue Nile
State, Sudan, seeking asylum in Doro, Gendrassa and Kaya Camps. ACTED has
strived to provide the basic needs for the population including shelter, waste
management, livelihoods, construction of community infrastructures, WASH, Food
and NFI distribution, response to and prevention of Sexual and Gender Based
Violence (SGBV) and Camp Management. ACTED is sourcing for a competent candidate to fill position of Social Worker in Maban County-Upper Nile State