Use of GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Course.(20th – 24th November 2017.)

Event: Use of GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Course



IDisaster risk information is spatial in nature & Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play an important role in disaster risk management. Rapid population growth & urbanization combined with extreme climatic events are causing a rapid increase in vulnerability of communities exposed to hazardous events. Natural disasters inflict severe damage on almost the entire spectrum of social and natural habitats, ranging from housing and shelter, water, food, health, sanitation, and waste management to information and communication networks, supply of power and energy, and transportation infrastructure.
There is a great need to utilize disaster risk information in planning for effective coping mechanisms of disaster risk reduction. For this, there is a significant need to create awareness among the disaster management professionals regarding the importance of GIS and Remote Sensing.
This course is job oriented and aims to impact practical skills on how to use GIS and RS ,to overcome the major challenges faced in ,pre-disasters during disaster and post-disaster management such as during early warning, hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment, damage assessment, as well as in the design of risk reduction measures.

5 Days

The course is targeted at professionals who require knowledge and skills on the use of GIS and RS in their organization in the field of disaster management. Participants are welcome from a broad range of organizations including physical planning, institutions, professionals and private GIS and RS related firms

Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
•Describe and utilize spatial data, GIS and remote sensing in disaster risk assessment and management
•Utilize existing sources of historical disaster information and elements at risk data
•Apply GIS/remote sensing in hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment
•Employ risk information in emergency preparedness planning
•Visualize hazard and risk information
•Apply GIS/remote sensing to post-disaster damage assessment

•Basic information
•GIS data sources, data collection and integration techniques for DRM
•Hazard, vulnerability and Risk assessment with GIS and RS (Pre-Disaster)
•Application of Risk Information for Risk Reduction Planning (Pre-Disaster)
•Introduction to Early warning systems and Information Networks (Pre-Disaster)
•Disaster Impact Analysis (Post Disaster)
•Public Participatory GIS and Disaster Risk Management (Pre- and Post-Disaster)

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