USAID RASS seeking County Managers for Lakes and Western Equatorial States

Advert for County Managers Lake State and Western Equatoria.pdf (1.3 MB)
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Resilience through Agriculture in South Sudan Activity (RASS Activity) is a four-year (2021-2025), Activity led by DAI and its partners: CARE International (CARE), International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC), and the Waterfield Design Group, Inc. (WDG). The overall purpose of the RASS Activity is to reduce long-term reliance on humanitarian assistance by significantly improving food security, community resilience, and household recovery in up to 17 priority counties in seven states of South Sudan. RASS Activity employs a resilience pathway approach to improve the effectiveness of local systems and strengthen capacities to sustain gender-responsive, diversified, and market-sensitive agricultural production; increase the availability of, access to, and utilization of diverse, safe, and affordable diets; and expand opportunities for sustainable, locally driven livelihoods, thereby graduating communities from high Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) to lower phases, reducing long term dependence on humanitarian assistance. The work aims at improving food security and community household recovery and resilience thereby transitioning communities from humanitarian assistance to inclusive development assistance and economic growth.