Training Workshop on Resilient Livelihoods from 22nd to 25th February 2017 in Kampala

Training Workshop on Resilient Livelihoods in Kampala 22nd to 25th February 2017

Natural disasters and climate change have exposed populations to greater social, environmental, and economic vulnerability that have threatened their livelihoods and the sustainable achievement of development goals. To address these challenges Maarifa Consult Ltd has organized a training workshop in Kampala, Uganda, aimed at building the capacity of development workers through Resilient Livelihoods Training. The knowledge and skills acquired will help development workers to implement initiatives that will help the most vulnerable people achieve nutrition and food security and the freedom from hunger — one of the most basic human rights and also help to reduce risks associated with climate change and natural hazards and provides them with opportunities to make their communities more resilient.

Specific Training objectives
• Understand various terms in food and Nutrition security
• Understand the practices of health and hygiene
• Understand household food production, consumption and dietary diversity
• Understand the Food and nutrition security Threats
• Understand the Disaster Risk Reduction for Nutrition & Food security
• Understand the Approaches & Models to resilient livelihoods

Module 1: Introduction to resilient livelihoods
o Overview
o Definition
o Concepts
o Frameworks
Module 2: Food and nutrition security Threats
o Natural hazards
o Socio-economic crises
o Environmental degradation
o Food chain emergencies of trans boundary threats
Module 3: Impact of climate change and disaster risks on
o Agricultural productivity
o Production stability
o Farmers’ incomes
Module 5: Disaster Risk Reduction for Nutrition & Food security
o Warning systems
o Risk detection
o mitigation Measures and approaches
Module 5: Approaches & Models to resilient livelihoods
o Postharvest Management
o Livelihoods diversification
o Crop diversification
o Integrated pest management
o Natural resource management
Module 6 – Identifying Solutions
o Examining interventions and capacities of other stakeholders
o Zoning the affected areas according to vulnerability level & needs coverage
o Identifying the range of possible FSL interventions
o Deciding on an appropriate intervention strategy
o Formulating recommendations

Module 7: Cross-cutting issues and enabling environment
o Gender equity in building resilient livelihoods
o Government role
o Legal policy framework
o Institutional structures and coordination
o Capacity development and local support
Training Fees: Ugandans: 450,000/- International participants: 200 USD
Venue: Ntinda Ministers Village Hotel
For whom the course is intended: This course is intended for individuals such as agricultural officers, policy makers, researchers, Project officers, donors, volunteers, M&E specialists and those who might be interested in the Course.
Duration: This is a 4 day training program
Benefits: 95% practical sessions, Certificate of completion, networking and follow-up after training
Payment details: Register and pay before 15th/February/2017
If you register and pay before 5th/February/2017, you will benefit from 15% discount.
Limited slots: We only need 20 participants: Enrollment for this training is based on first come, first serve basis
Those Paying in UGX can pay through
• Account Name: Maarifa Consult
• Bank: Stanbic Bank
• Account Number: 9030010504731
• Branch: Ntinda, Branch
• Account Type: Uganda Shillings Account (UGX)
• You can deposit cash or write a Check in the Name of “MAARIFA CONSULT”
Those paying in USD can pay through
• Account Name: Maarifa Consult Ltd
• Bank: KCB Bank
• Account Number: 2203269251
• Account Type: USD Account
• Branch: Forest Mall, Kampala
• You can deposit Cash or pay in Check in the name of “MAARIFA CONSULT LTD”
Note After Payment, please send a proof of payment to the email below

How to Apply
Interested individuals can apply through the website
or send an email requesting for a registration form to: or