Training on Leadership, Governance and Accountability Practice for the Humanitarian Sector


Course Objectives
To equip participants with foundations of humanitarian work with relevant knowledge and skills in governance and accountability during emergency situations to contribute to new, accountable ways of managing the humanitarian.

Target Group
Humanitarian workers, Development workers and those interested in building a career in the humanitarian sector and Freshers seeking to enhance their career knowledge base in humanitarian affairs.

Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Humanitarian Crisis: Humanitarian Architecture
Module 2: Leadership and Governance Principles in Humanitarian Crisis
Module 3: Resilience and Sustainable Crisis Management
Module 4: Protection and Accountability to Affected Communities in Emergencies
Module 5: Foundational Legal and Policy Frameworks for Humanitarian Work

Learning Outcome:
By the end of the course, participants will have acquired the required understanding of foundations of humanitarian work and relevant knowledge and skills in governance and accountability during emergency situations and ready to contribute to new, accountable ways of managing the humanitarian sector.

Fee for the Course

Tuition Fee $350
Full board in a single room(meals & Accommodation) $471 per week
Full board in a shared room(meals & Accommodation) US$339 per week
Hostel Quad plus Meal per week US$118 per week

To register for the program follow the link

Need more information? Email the course administrator [email protected]

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This course can be tailored to your organization upon request