Training on Analysis Of Qualitative Data Using NVivo

FineResults Research Services invites you to a training on:

Topic: Analysis Of Qualitative Data Using NVivo

Date: 17 th to 21 st August 2020

Cost: USD 800 or Ksh. 65,000

Contacts: +254 759 285 295 or .

Managing and analyzing qualitative data can be a trying experience. Qualitative data is multifaceted, rich in nature, unstructured and at times can be overwhelming where the researcher will be provided with information beyond the scope of the study. Combining a qualitative research data management and data analysis with technology is frown by some qualitative researchers. Qualitative researchers now have the option to apply technology tools in their approach for data management and data analysis to ease the complexity of the research process.

This course aims to build the capacity of qualitative researchers in qualitative data management and analysis using NVivo qualitative software. This software has many features that can assist to simplify the whole process of doing qualitative research.


Researchers, students, anyone who interested in enhancing his/ her data analysis skills


By the end of the course the learner should be able to:

Understand qualitative analysis approaches

Understand different qualitative data collection methods

Set up a project in NVivo

Create a framework for qualitative data analysis using NVivo

Carry out qualitative data analysis using NVivo

Write a qualitative report


Introduction to Qualitative Research

Project Management:NVivo Projects,Nodes in Nvivo.

Coding and Analysis (Thematic Analysis using Nvivo,Memos Annotations and Links,Queries using Nvivo)

Analysis, interpretation and visualization

Triangulation of Data Sources and Reporting

Triangulation of Data Sources

NB: We are offering you a half day, fun and interactive team building event! And a related field trip as part of practical learning where applicable.

Be part of the Training

Click HERE for the individual registration.

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