Imeasure South Africa proudly invites you all to a Fundamentals in M&E Training.
Who qualifies;
All NGO employees, students, government employees, private company employees, Porgram Managers, Chief of Parties, M&E Officers, M&E Managers, M&E coodinators, M&E advisors, adata capturers and anyone who wants to enter into monitoring and evaluation field.
County: Wau
Dates: 6-9 September 2016
Venue: Bahr Gazhal Hotel
Early bird registration (by 30 June 2016): $350
Standard (1 July-31 July 2016) : $450
Late Walk in (1 -31 August 2016): $550
Registered university students: $300
The fee caters for lunch and tea, tuition, training materials and a certificate.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
-Identify the basic purposes and scope of M&E
-Differentiate between monitoring functions and evaluation functions
-Describe the functions of an M&E plan
-Identify the main components of an M&E plan
-Identify and differentiate between conceptual frameworks, results frameworks, and logic models
-Describe how frameworks are used for M&E planning
-Identify criteria for the selection of indicators
-Describe how indicators are linked to frameworks
-Identify types of data sources
-Describe how information can be used for decision-making
The training will be done by Imeasure South Africa…a leading M&E consultancy firm in Africa.
Please request registration from Shepherd Nyamhuno via
Imeasure is a team of monitoring and evaluation specialist that have vast experience in training and evaluation of various projects in Africa and other continents