Training Course on ICT For Disaster Response

Training Course on ICT For Disaster Response


The advance of information and communication technology (ICT) has added a new dimension to research on disaster relief in terms of both potential problems and potential solutions. Concurrently, the evolving discipline of informatics has been leading to a more rigorous consideration of the implications of ICT development for collaborative information gathering and other activities. Some real life scenarios indeed demonstrate that ICTS are bringing remarkable changes in response to disasters and emergencies.

By looking at various real world examples, the course will analyze the key challenges that are related to the access, verification, scale, and implementation of ICT technologies in disaster response and preparedness. Professionals that are willing to explore new strategies in the field of disaster response will find this program more helpful.


5 days

Training Objectives

• To analytically scrutinize opportunities and drawbacks that transpire when working with ICT to respond to crises.

• To connect relevant humanitarian and development approaches to the technological tools and strategies discussed in the phone.

• To utilize various tech tools and use specific software for responding to and managing crises.

• To design effective and dynamic strategies for using ICT tools to respond to challenges in the field.

• To develop critical awareness and confidence in working with maps, social media, and mobile technologies within the field of disaster response.

Course content

Module I: Introduction and Social Media for Crisis Response

• The Power of the Crowd: Digitizing the Response

• How Social Media was Used in Response to the past earthquakes

• Information Overload: real-time Analysis, Verification, and Decision Making

• Tools: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, AIDR, Tomnod,

• Tools collaborative Mapping in a crisis

Module II: Mapping the Crisis (New Techniques for Disaster Response)

• Differences Between Open Street Map and Ushahidi

• Image Identification and Crowdsourcing Remote Mapping

• Damage mapping with Open Street Map (with real world examples)

• How Maps Support the Ongoing Ebola Response

• ICT tools for tracing and restoring family links

• Online Mapping without Internet Connection

• Production and use of maps for disaster response

• Tools: OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, TomNod, FieldPapers

Module III: Mobile Response: How Mobile Technology has changed Disaster Response

• SMS Campaigns for Early Warning and Crisis Prevention

• Collecting Data in the Field with Mobile Devices

• Using Secondary Data to Track Population Movements

• Smartphones and Apps for Disaster Response

• Tools: ODK, TextIt, Magpi, FrontlineSMSKobo Toolkit,

Module IV: How New Technologies are Shaping our fates

• The role of Drones play in Humanitarian Emergencies

• Using the Web for De-Centralized Disaster Response

• The Responsibility to Protect Data

COURSE Training Center: Datastat Training Center, Nairobi, Kenya

Start Date: 12/24/2018

End Date: 12/28/2018

Fee: Ksh 80000, $900



EMAIL: [email protected]

TELEPHONE : +254724527104