Tender for travel agency

BRAC South Sudan is legally registered with the government of the Republic of South Sudan as a branch of Stitching BRAC International. Since its inception in 2006, BRAC South Sudan has implemented various programs in education, youth empowerment, agriculture, food security and livelihoods, health, emergency response and microfinance. In 2017, BRAC South Sudan down-scaled its operations as a result of the heightened conflict, and in 2019 began to re-open operations in South Sudan, with a programmatic focus on education, health, youth empowerment, agriculture and livelihoods, water and sanitation, and climate change.

Currently BRAC South Sudan is actively working in Central Equatoria (Juba) with fully furnished office at Aptech Africa building, Hai Malakal on the sixth floor.
BRAC South Sudan organizes workshops, has, and receives technical staff and consultants that travel nationally and internationally to implement various programs. Against this backdrop, BRAC South Sudan is looking for opportunities to improve the travel services rendered to its stakeholders for official business travels. The travel management services shall be for official purposes including missions, workshops, meetings, conferences, home leaves, emergency travels, educational leaves, and field visits to project sites by BRAC staff, consultants, Government officials, and sister organisation. BI South Sudan is aiming at securing efficient and cost-effective travel services by inviting suitably qualified and experienced companies. BRAC South Sudan intends to enter into one or more non-exclusive two-year agreements with the most competent company for provision of air ticketing/travel management services. The agreements will contain fixed committed commission. BRAC will reserve the right to utilize other sources at the organization’s discretion to assure value for money.

Invitation To Tender 2024-Travel agent.pdf (206.9 KB)
All other information is contained in the attachment,