Tender for the Provision of External Audit Services for Amani Orphans and Widows Inc for 2023

Organizational Background:

Initially established and registered in Australia in 2018, Amani Orphans and Widows Welfare Services Inc. (AOWWS-Inc) was subsequently established in South Sudan in the year 2019 with a focus on improving the socio-economic status of widows, orphans, underprivileged and disadvantaged community women, elderly individuals, children, and youth in vulnerable communities in South Sudan.

For over 5 years now, we have worked with local communities largely in the Greater Upper Nile, Equatoria and Bahr El Ghazal regions and with a range of stakeholders to ensure sustained food security and livelihood; this has been – and continues to be part of our integrated and holistic programme approach (i.e., addressing other critical challenges/gaps as GBV and people’s protection risks, mental health and psychosocial needs, human rights and access to a range of essential services such as Shelter, WASH, and health).

In so doing, we continue to put women and other vulnerable groups at the center of our work and (in line with our Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy, for example, to make use of women, particularly widows, as both agents and direct beneficiaries of our resilience-building work. This we continue to do by designing - together with the affected communities – social-economic empowerment programmes that have positive impact on their lives, whilst being cognizant of the existential threat now posed by climate crises.

Amani Orphans and Widows Welfare Services Inc is looking for competent audit firm who would conduct audit services for 2023.

Refer to the attachment for more information.

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Audit Services for 2023.pdf (2.1 MB)

Good Luck!