Tender for Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles (Toyota Land Cruisers)

Dear All,

Kindly find the uploaded call for tender documents for supply of motor vehicles. Please share with potential suppliers within your network for wider coverage.

Thank you.

Appendix A_ CAFOD Terms and Conditions for Supply and Service.pdf (127.0 KB)
Appendix B _ CAFOD Code of Conduct for Suppliers.pdf (140.1 KB)
Appendix C _ CAFOD Safeguarding policy_2022 S.pdf (250.5 KB)
Appendix D_ CAFOD Anti-bribery Policy 2021v1.6.pdf (407.6 KB)
CAFOD _ Invitation to Tender for Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles (Toyota Land Cruisers).pdf (351.5 KB)