Tender Advertisement with Plan International - Pibor GPAA



Plan International (PI), is an independent global child right organization – without religious, political or governmental affiliation that has been operating in South Sudan since 2006. Plan recognizes that the geographical context and recent history have left the communities of South Sudan highly vulnerable to emergencies from political and inter-ethnic conflicts, influx of returnees, food insecurity, long dry spells and floods. Cognizant of the need Plan is implementing emergency and recovery response in six states of South Sudan, namely Central Equatorial, Eastern Equatorial, Western Equatorial, Lakes, Upper Nile and Jonglei. Program includes food assistance, agricultural rehabilitation, Food Security and Livelihood, Education in Emergencies and Child Protection in Emergencies. Plan International also works with both International and Local partners.

Inviation to Tender - Pibor6.pdf (2.0 MB)
Invitation to Tender - Pibor1.pdf (2.0 MB)
Invitation to Tender - Pibor2.pdf (2.0 MB)
Invitation to Tender - Pibor3.pdf (2.0 MB)
Invitation to Tender - Pibor4.pdf (2.0 MB)
Invitation to Tender - Pibor5.pdf (2.0 MB)
Invitation to Tender - Pibor7.pdf (2.0 MB)
Tender Advertisement _ Pibor.pdf (486.6 KB)

Application Submission Guideline:

All Completed tender documents must be submitted by emails to ssprourement.committee@plan-international-org , hand delivered to Plan International South Sudan Country office in Juba. Hai Jerusalem by 5: 00pm on 10th January 2023.

Sealed envelops clearly marked as indicated. All the above tender must have a tender reference number and addressed to

The Tender Panel

Plan International South Sudan

P.O. Box. 182,

Hai Jerusalem, Juba

Note: Applications submitted are non-returnable.

Plan International South Sudan reserves the right to reject or accept either in wholly or in part is not bound to accept any lowest bid any tender or assign any reasons for the decision made. Plan international South Sudan is obliged to re-tender if it deems to do so.

Participation of all tenders in all this tender process shall be appreciated. However, only the qualified tender shall be contact.