Statistical Analysis with Excel. (17th – 19th July 2017) Nairobi, Kenya

Statistical Analysis with Excel

This course gives practical experience in the use of Microsoft Excel for data summary, presentation and for other basic statistical work. It concentrates on areas where Excel really can excel, such as array functions. We look at data entry and management, pivot tables, and graphics.
We also review Excel’s facilities for statistical analysis, advising on their use and limitations, and we show how add-ins can be used to enhance Excel’s capabilities.

3 days

Who Should Attend?
Participants are assumed to have some experience in Excel. This course is intended for anyone who currently uses or is thinking of using Excel for handling data and for their statistical work. It is also for statisticians, if they need to advise and support others on the efficient use of Excel.

Learning Objective:
This course is designed to turn your general Excel capabilities into skills in the use of Excel for data processing and basic statistical applications.

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