Social Protection and Safety Nets Training 7th - 11th October 2019

Event Details: Social Protection and Safety Nets Training


Social protection is a subset of public actions that help address risk, vulnerability and chronic poverty. Social transfers and social services are a long-term investment. They carry lifetime benefits and high individual and social returns. Social protection aims at ensuring groups and individuals to live a fulfilling life, taking into consideration the role of the state in facilitating this, and the vulnerabilities of particular groups or individuals.


The training aims at aiding in the understanding of:

  • Basics of social protection
  • Types of social protection
  • Design and implementation of social protection systems
  • Donor approaches to social protection
  • Social Protection Case study: Kenya


  • The politics of social protection
  • The global financial crisis
  • Climate Change
  • Fragile states
  • Regional perspectives on social protection
  • Social protection and poverty
  • Cash transfers
  • Donor coordination
  • Mainstreaming social protection
  • A response to social exclusion
  • Gender
  • Children
  • Agriculture
  • Programme examples and lessons learned
  • Cash transfers in emergencies
  • Social Pensions
  • Public works programmes
  • In-kind transfers
  • Food
  • Utility subsidies
  • Health fee waivers

To register online to book your spot, click on this link Online Registration Form


This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can have it delivered your preferred location.

For further inquiries, please contact us on the details below:
Tel: +254 (0) 739167709.
Email: [email protected]
Office: Utumishi Co-op Hse 1st Floor, Mamlaka rd, Off Nyerere rd