#Event Details: Social Protection and Safety Nets Training
Social protection is a sub-set of public actions that help address risk, vulnerability and chronic poverty. Social transfers and social services are a long-term investment.
They carry lifetime benefits and high individual and social returns. Social protection aims at ensuring groups and individuals to live a fulfilling life, taking into consideration the role of the state in facilitating this, and the vulnerabilities of particular groups or individuals.
- Basics of social protection
- Types of social protection
- Design and implementation of social protection systems
- Donor approaches to social protection
- Social Protection Case study: Kenya
- Current global issues
- The politics of social protection
- Climate Change
- Fragile states
- Types of social protection
- Social assistance
- Cash transfers
- Programme examples and lessons learned
- Cash transfers in emergencies
- Design and implementation of social protection Programmes
- Financing and affordability
- Managing fiduciary risk
- Donor approaches to social protection
- Donor approaches to social protection
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Department for International Development (DFID)
To view event details & register online to book your reservation, click on this link [Social Protection and Safety Nets Training]