SCI is seeking to recruit Institutional Capacity Strengthening Consultant For South Sudan Child Protection Area of Responsibility.

South Sudan Child Protection Area of Responsibility Background

South Sudan has one of the highest rates of violence against children in the world, with an estimated 3.1 million children and adolescents in need of protection assistance. Children in South Sudan are exposed to a range of risks, including child recruitment into armed groups/forces, sexual and gender-based violence, child labour, child marriage, family separation and other grave violations that include killing, maiming, abduction and school and hospital attacks. The crisis in South Sudan, which began in 2013, has had a devastating impact on children, with widespread reports of child recruitment, abduction, and sexual violence among others. The conflict has also resulted in the displacement of over 2.3 million people internally and 2.2 million refugees hosted in the neighboring countries, including children, who are now living in overcrowded displacement sites and are at risk of further harm.

Institutional Capacity Strengthening Main Objective

Child Protection Area of Responsibility and Education Cluster through localization initiative aims to undertake the Institutional Capacity Strengthening through assessing areas of capacity development of national NGO members. The proposed approach incorporates engagement of a Consultant/Team to support with the assessment to identify key gaps, and then support the education and Child Protection Area of Responsibility cluster to develop a plan that maps out how best to develop these organizations capacity to overcome these gaps. The Institutional Capacity Strengthening Consultant will also be responsible for conducting some of the planned capacity strengthening activities with these National NGO actors that will be map through the assessment.

Specific Objectives of the Capacity Strengthening

The South Sudan Child Protection Area of Responsibility and Education Cluster will identify three organizations that will be supported through the Institution Capacity Strengthening. The consultant/team will be guided through the following specific objectives in the delivery of the assignment;

Capacity Assessments of Child Protection Area of Responsibility and Education Cluster Members under localization initiative

Develop a methodology of undertaking the capacity assessment. The methodology will ideally be responsive and adaptable to the context and needs. This will also incorporate identifying capacity assessment tool(s) that will be utilized to assess the identified National NGOs (Good governance and leadership among the cluster membership). The tools should be responsive and contextualized to the South Sudan context.

Conduct an assessment of the three identified national organizations to identify key institutional capacity gaps and needs to be addressed through the project. Particular focus should be on institutional capacities, such as Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Institutional Management, Information and Communication Technologies, Procurement Management System, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Project Management, Monitoring and Reporting, and others.

Develop a detailed report on key capacity strengths and gaps that is individualized for each of the assessed organizations. This will culminate into a detailed capacity assessment report.

Note: the capacity assessment will be undertaken at the beginning of the project (Baseline) and at the end (End Line) to map out key changes and progress as per the capacity development plan and indicators.

Development of the Institutional Capacity Strengthening Plan

Together with the three NNGOs, develop a detailed capacity development plan aligned to each of the organizations based on their individual capacity needs.

In alignment to the Capacity Development Plan develop a monitoring plan with clear measurable indicators to track the progress and impact of the project.

The capacity development plan will have critical timelines delivered based on the lifetime of the programme.

Institutional Capacity Strengthening

Based on the needs and gaps identified through the assessment and in line with the capacity enhancement plan, the consultant will undertake;

Training and capacity building of the National Organizations on the key areas identified. This will target key staff and stakeholders within the organizations as will be agreed with the consultant.

Provide mentoring and supervision support to national organizations including in person, over email and over the phone as per the development plan.

Develop key organizational policies or adapt existing ones and train NNGOs’ staff on the implementation of these policies. This will be in line with the key capacity enhancement themes identified jointly with the consultant and NNGO.

Support in mapping and exploring for external online or face-to-face training opportunities that can enhance the organizations capacity to address gaps and needs.

Create Peer-to-Peer Learning Circles for the NNGOs to enhance progressive learning and engagements that will support continued learning and capacity strengthening. A calendar and Terms of Reference to guide on the engagements will be developed by the consultant and NNGOs.

Capacity Building Process Documentation

The consultant will document the entire engagement process in real-time. This will include key outcomes and experiences through from the baseline to the end line assessment.

Support and conduct monthly check-ins with the Localization Task Team to update on the progress.

Share a final report that includes progress being made, opportunities, challenges, good practices, lessons learned, and the impact of the engagement.

Consultancy Selection Criteria and Application

i) Consultancy Requirements

The following will be the key qualifications for the Assessment (by team and/or firms);

The proposed team/firm to have extensive background on Child Protection and Education, Capacity Development, International Humanitarian and Development or Related field.

The team/firm to have a high level of technical knowledge and understanding of approaches in Institutional Capacity Strengthening and experience in good governance , leadership and developing capacities of organizations.

Prior experience in Organizational Capacity Assessment and Development in different contexts.

Proactive and proven ability to deliver results within the provided timeline.

A good understanding of the South Sudan context, Child protection and education guidelines and ability to be based in Juba but with travel to the States where needed.

High level of organizational skills, interpersonal communication and quality reporting skills.

Good communication, data management and reporting skills.

Female candidates or Persons with Disability are strongly encouraged to apply.

ii) Application Requirements;

Provide a detailed proposal (including background information of the firm) and outlining the most effective methodology to undertake the Institutional Capacity and Development.

A detailed scope of work, outlining timelines for the assignment in line with the guiding timeline provided in the Terms of Reference.

A financial proposal for the proposed scope of work. Detailing a budget to cover the entire exercise.

A detailed outline of the qualifications of the Applicant or Technical Team/s that will lead the Capacity Development Evaluation. Provide CV summaries of applicant/s highlighting their qualifications and previous related experience.

Assessment Coordination and Management.

The day–to–day management of the Institutional Capacity Strengthening will be the responsibility of the Child Protection Area of Responsibility and Education Cluster Coordinators and project budget holder, but also will regularly update the Localization Task Team that is set up by the Education Cluster and Child Protection AoR.

Child Protection Area of responsibility and Education Cluster team will also provide reports and relevant data that will facilitate the Consultant in delivering the objectives. This will include available assessment reports, lessons learnt and review reports.

Key Deliverables.

Institutional Capacity Assessment Report; detailing organizational capacity needs of selected organizations.

Detailed Implementation Plan on capacity strengthening of the three partners, including activities and timeline. The report is to define the project’s exact work plan and scope for the rest of the duration. The report should be supported by quantitative/qualitative evidence from internal and external analysis.

Progress report and updates on activities being implemented; documentation of activities and opportunity to provide feedback on the progress.

Final report that includes progress being made, activities implemented opportunities, challenges, good practices, lessons learned, and the impact.

Contract Duration:

The assignment is scheduled to be undertaken 1 Month (March 2024).

Location: South Sudan, Juba. With travel to states where necessary.

Application Information:

Please email your application to the following email addresses;

[email protected] with the subject line/title: Application for the Institutional Capacity Strengthening.

In case of any clarifications, please reach out to [email protected]

Deadline for the application is** Close of Business on 15 /February /2024*
Institutional Capacity Strengthening Terms of Reference _CPAoR 2024.docx (77.8 KB)