Samaritan's Purse 2021 Framework Agreement for Clearance & Forwarding Services

REQUEST FOR QUOTE - FWA Clearance & Forwarding Services

Deadline for submission of Quotation is 19th Nov. 2020 5:00 PM

Samaritan’s Purse International Relief wishes to contract a legally recognized service provider (company) in a Framework Agreement (FWA) for the year 2021 to provide Clearing and Forwarding Services to our address in Juba from the following locations:

  • Mombasa port
  • Malaba border for goods in transit
  • Nimule Border
  • Eldoret Airport
  • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)
  • Juba International Airport (JIA)

Samaritan’s Purse International Relief Address:
Juba, South Sudan, Hai Cinema next to
Quality Hotel, Old Juba Town Road

Reference number: FWA11-20-017SS CLEARANCE & FORWARDING

If you are interested in bidding for this tender, please submit your competitive quotation by

  • Email to: [email protected] with subject line FWA11-20-017SS-CLARENCE & FORWARDING .

  • OR by Hand delivery to Samaritan’s Purse Juba office in sealed enveloped clearly marked: FWA11-20-017SS-CLEARANCE & FORWARDING

If the correct reference number is not included in the subject line of the email or on the envelope the quote will be subjected to rejection. Do NOT copy anyone when submitting your bid via email.

S/N Category Specification
Clearing and forwarding Services for the following locations: Clearance of air and ground cargo destined to Juba, South Sudan.
1 Jomo Kenyatta International Airport JKIA - Kenya
2 Juba International Airport JIA - South Sudan
3 Mombasa Seaport - Kenya
4 Malaba border for goods transiting through Kenya/Uganda
5 Nimule border– South Sudan.
6 Eldoret International Airport –Kenya

The following 3 attachments must all be included in your submission for your quote to be considered: All submissions can be sent to [email protected] or hand delivered by Thursday November 19th at 5:00PM.

  1. Your quoted price should include ALL expected import fees and ANY other fees that might be incurred during clearance and forwarding transit. Use this template to submit your quoted prices: FWA Clearance & Forwarding Quote Template.xlsx (10.3 KB)

  2. FWA017 Tender Response Form (Must be Completed by ALL Bidders).docx (45.9 KB)

  3. Signed SP Tender Code of Conduct .pdf (517.0 KB)

Your Quotation MUST clearly indicate the following:

  • Currency of offer – USD.
  • Number of days required for delivery.
  • Quotation must be valid for the duration of the Framework Agreement (all of 2021).
  • Unit Price and Total Amount.
  • Payment terms will be within 30 business days after service, by Electronic bank transfer.
  • Delivery charges, if any, should be clearly stated on the quotation.
  • Samaritan’s Purse South Sudan is not subject to VAT, therefore all Quotations should be exclusive of VAT costs
  • Quotes must be stamped, signed and sent as a pdf/picture file Or printed and submitted in a sealed envelope with the reference number clearly written on the sealed envelope
  • Submit your quotation by email with subject name the reference number of this request for quotes or by physical submission in a sealed unmarked envelope with only the reference number of this request for quotes written on it.
  • The subject line of the email or the physical copy has to be the reference number of this request for quote.
  • Quotations that are received after the Deadline Noted at the Top of RFQ will be excluded.
  • Samaritan’s Purse South Sudan has the right to exclude any Quote that doesn’t meet all of the above.


  • Samaritan’s Purse accepts no responsibility and is under no obligation to reimburse applicants for the costs associated with preparation of their applications.
  • Samaritan’s Purse reserves the right to award the most qualified service provider (contractor) regardless of the lowest price submitted.
  • Payment is upon delivery and after preliminary verification of the services/items specified above.
  • Samaritan’s Purse reserves the right to award to more than one bidder or to reject all applicants and cancel the solicitation at any time.

Quotations will be REJECTED if:

  • Submitted separately to any other party.
  • Any coercive behaviour is suspected.

All bids are received directly by the Head of the department. It is not possible to influence the decision or outcome. No individual or group can influence decision making.

If you have any questions or need further clarifications on this tender, please email: [email protected]