RFQ_JUB_2023_0100 for Supply and delivery of Hygiene Kits

Malteser International

Country Coordination Office

Plot No. 246, Block 3k 2nd Class Residential

Tongping (behind Indian Embassy)

Central Equatoria State, Juba, South Sudan.

19 May 2023

RFQ _JUB_2023_0 100

For supply and delivery of dignity kits to Malteser International (MI) warehouse on Bilpam Road in Juba in South Sudan.

Annex 1: Specification of Tendering

Annex 2: Bill of Quantity

We look forward to receiving your tenders on 25 M ay 2023 at or before 12pm via E-mail to**:** [email protected].

Please write in the Subject line of your email with tender: “RFQ**_JUB_2023_0100** for dignity kits”.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,
RFQ_JUB_2023_0100 for Supply of Hygiene Kits .pdf (234.2 KB)