REQUEST FOR QUOTE NOTICE Date: 03 February 2017
Deadline for submission of bids is February 10th on/before 10:00 am.
Samaritan’s Purse
Kileleshwa, Gem Lane off Mandera Road,
Nairobi, Kenya
Reference number: SPSS/61306 YIJU/2017 Pressed Steel Tanks
Samaritan’s Purse wishes to contract a legally recognized bidder (company) to provide Pressed Steel Tanks in South Sudan’s Ajuong Thok area. Download the below documents for instructions to bid on this tender.
PR 61306 YIJU RFQ TEMPLATE for public tender 2017 Pressed Steel TanksInstallationAjuong Thok v3.pdf (333.5 KB)
PR 61306 YIJU RFQ 2017 Pressed Steel Tanks Fee Schedule v3.pdf (222.5 KB)