RFQ for Catering and Housekeeping Services


Date: 9th March, 2016

Subject: Request for quotations for Catering and Housekeeping

Reference number: SPSS/JBJB40453/2016 Catering and Housekeeping

Samaritan’s Purse wishes to contract a legally recognized service provider (company) to provide Catering and Housekeeping Services ;

Catering and Housekeeping

            See attachment RFQ for public tender JBJB40453 Catering and Housekeeping 
            See attachment RFQ Addendum for FoodHkeeping for further description

Manner of Submission

Please submit your tender in accordance with the requirements detailed below,
• By hand delivery to Samaritan’s Purse Juba office, HAI CINEMA NEXT TO QUALITY HOTEL, JUBA TOWN ROAD in sealed enveloped clearly marked “SPSS/JBJB40453/2016 Catering and Housekeeping “.
• By Email to the following address (Tender committee email): [email protected]
with the email subject “Catering and Housekeeping”

Deadline for submission of bids is March 22nd 2016 before 5:00pm.

RFQ for public tender JBJB40453 Catering and Housekeeping.docx (79.2 KB)

RFQ Addendum for FoodHkeeping.doc (59 KB)