RFQ-1123-678-Water Quality Test Kits-FE

DT Global South Sudan/Afia WASH Project Afia Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Afia WASH) Project aims to expand gender-transformative sustainable access to basic safe drinking water, basic sanitation coverage, and increase uptake of key hygiene behaviors to improve health and household resilience in accordance with USAID/South Sudan’s Strategic Framework. The AFIAWASH is a USAID funded, 5-year project from October 2021 to September 2026 being implemented in the following 13 counties in South Sudan – Mayendit, Leer, Panyijar, (Unity State), Jur River, Wau (Western Bahr El Ghazal state), Kapoeta North, Budi (Eastern Equatoria state), Baliet, Ulang (Upper Nile State), Akobo, Uror, Duk (Jonglei State), and Pibor (Greater Pibor Administrative Area).

The project is requesting for Quotes from competent vendors for the Provision of Water Quality Testing Kits.

All Quotes must be labelled in accordance with the RFQ and should be sent to [email protected] by close of business December 20, 2023.

For details and how to apply see full RFQ uploaded here
RFQ-1123-678-Water Quality Test Kits-FE.pdf (284.9 KB)

Procurement Team

Afia Water,Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Project

Implemented by DT Global

DT Global

