Request for Quotation for Film Screening Equipment-AMALNA South Sudan

AMALNA South Sudan is a non-partisan not-for-profit national organization registered by Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) in November 2016. The main aim of the organization is to work with local communities at the grassroots level through provision of edutainment, information and communication tools that empowers and strengthen youth, women, children and the citizenry to build a peaceful South Sudan. AMALNA is experienced in the use of communication and dialogue to inspire ‘positive voices’ as a means of promoting a culture of peace and reconciliation and thus contributes to reconciliation in communities by supporting inclusive dialogue, awareness raising through drama, street theatre, outreach activities, radio, art, music, culture and capacity-building and manly targeting youth, children, community leaders and women.
We are looking for a supplier of film screening equipment as outlines in the call for quotation.Call for Quotations -AMALNA South Sudan.pdf (371.4 KB)