Request for Proposals to conduct Mid-Term Evaluation, Data Collection, Management, Analysis, and Reporting for WRSS SCOPE RMNCH South Sudan

World Relief South Sudan intends to engage a suitably qualified expert or expert firm to conduct a mid-term evaluation to understand the intermediate effects of its program intervention in Western Equatoria State, South Sudan with support from of the Strengthening Community Health Outcomes through Positive Engagement (SCOPE) cooperative agreement funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The assignment is targeting counties where the SCOPE project is being implemented namely three Payams (Madebe, Ibba Centre, Manikakara) located in Ibba County and one Payam (Maridi Central) in Maridi County.
Consultancy ToR for Mid Term Evaluation_SCOPE_WR South Sudan.pdf (309.6 KB)

Refer to the attached TORs for more information.