“About Amref Health Africa in South Sudan”

Amref Health Africa has a long history in South Sudan, from 1972 in what was then the southern region of Sudan. Over the decades, Amref Health Africa has played critical role in planning and developing the country’s health care system. Working with South Sudan’s Ministry of Health, Amref Health Africa has helped to create a national health care plan, train health care workers as well as develop and implement life changing scalable WASH models. Working together with communities to improve health, particularly in rural and remote areas where health care is nearly impossible to access.

“Project Background and Description”

Saving Lives and Livelihoods (SLL) Project is ground-breaking initiative between Africa CDC and MasterCard Foundation, with the goal of reaching 70% of population in Africa with the COVID-19 vaccine(s).
The project is particularly aimed at reaching eligible population (18 years and above) in the select seven Counties of Jonglei State with COVID-19 vaccine through routine and outreach services. This is a Ministry-led approach with support from Amref Health Africa focusing on three main pillars: (1) In-country logistics and procurement; (2) COVID-19 vaccination capacity and Technical Assistance; and (3) Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE).
Within the SLL pillars, Amref Health Africa supports Pillar 2, which focuses on deployment of COVID-19 vaccine doses through Covid-19 vaccination centers (CVCs) and Technical Assistance (TA). SLL Pillar 2 supports three project thematic areas which include: (1) Strengthening/Increasing capacity of CVC through routine and enhanced outreach approach; (2) Training and deploying workforce; and (3) Strengthening systems and tools for management and monitoring of vaccine administration at CVCs.

How to Apply
Follow the Link below to download the TOR and more details about the Assignment :-
Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted by close of business Thursday, June 20th 2023 through [email protected].

Extension of Deadline by one week to June 27th 2023.

Dear Colleagues,
We noticed an error on the email address Provided hence the need to provide more time for applicants.

Kindly Use this address ([email protected]) to submit all your Proposal, Please Accept our Apologies for Inconveniences caused.

Here is the TOR with the edited email address.
VANCY0134_ToRs for the Provision of COVID-19 Consultancy Service - SLL.docx (104.1 KB)

Best Regards
HR & Operations Manager
Amref Health Africa in South Sudan.